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10 Secrets of Weight Loss Success Stories

by gangu on Nov.22, 2009, under ,

Weight Loss Success Story

I travel to see and read the news headlines daily. Today, something caught my attention. Was a title on the Weight Loss Success Stories MSN Health.

As an author of fitness, I decided to review some of these Weight Loss Success Stories to see if I could find relevant information that my readers could benefit. I have always found him pleasant to look at those who manage to find what they did to get where they are and learn from their mistakes.

I read through the stories of Weight Loss Success Stories for men and women across the country. Some have more than twenty years, while others were closer to middle age. Some married, some were single. Some were extremely obese at a rate of 300 pounds or more. Others were from 20 to 50 pounds overweight. I read diligently taking notes on the fly.

One would think that people so diverse, you have completely different stories to tell. The details may have been different, but as I went through more and more stories began to discover common patterns and recurring.

I was amazed at the information that has been gleaning. Many people pay good money for this information, but here it was free for anyone to read. With an eye for models, which broke the 10 common themes.

That's what I discovered about people who have been more successful weight loss:

1. Ask someone to push through hard training. In some cases, it was a personal trainer, others use a training video, and some use a friend.

2. They kept a food diary to keep on track. This allowed them to see exactly what they put in their bodies, and make changes to your diet, when the need arises.

3. We used a support group. Some use family and friends, others have used Weight Watchers to keep them motivated, honest, and keep morale high.

4. They stayed away from temptation. After proving to themselves they do not do well in the face of temptation, but stayed away from sweets and fatty foods. As the old saying goes, in full view of the mind.

5. They used effective system by eating the right amount of calories based on your goals, portion control and making healthier food choices.

6. They have combined strength training with cardio. Most do weight training at least 3 times a week and cardio 3-6 times a week. Many also find that doing something they enjoyed (ie swimming, cycling) helped to stay on track. Others find that working with an object (eg, the formation of 5K, 10K) helped to push themselves beyond what they have.

7. They stayed on the ladder. It is disheartening to step on the scale and not see a change. The scale is not always a good indicator of fat loss that most just stayed out of it completely, or only weighed once a week or once a month.

8. If he slipped, because they do not fly. He agreed and left. They took one day at a time if they messed up today, which began the next day fresh and kept going.

9. They have found other ways to deal with stress. Most people who were seriously overweight or obese got that way because it relates to emotional stress or eating. Once he realized that committed themselves not to be a soul eater. Most have found other ways to deal with stress, such as walking, jogging or a workout.

10. They were not afraid to examine their lives. Learn what to eat, they were better able to cope with stress and emotions. Some have even found they had an addiction to food. Through self-examination, were able to get to the root of the problem and treat it differently than what they had done all his life.

As promised, I delivered 10 secrets of Weight Loss Success Stories. Put yourself and use it to help you achieve your own Weight Loss Success Stories. Soon you'll be one with theWeight Loss Success Stories of its own.

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